Jan 29, 2010

Moosie Marie

It was pretty chilly today so Ansley though she would sport her moosie outfit from Grandma Kate.

Jan 27, 2010

Hanging with Daddy

Ansley loves hanging with Daddy

Jan 24, 2010

First cooking lesson

Ansley likes to hang out in the sling when I cook. I would like to say she's taking notes but mostly shes just sleeping.

Jan 21, 2010

Like father like daughter?

Everyone thinks Ansley resembles Hamish more then me. Here is a pic of H and his Pops. I see a lot of Ans in this one.

What do you think? sig1

Sister love

Ansley loves her sister although im not 100% sure Lola feels the same way. She pretty much just tolerates the new addition to our house. As long as Ans stays out of her food bowl and cat bed they will get along just fine.

Jan 16, 2010

1199 to 1

My parents came up to visit and brought along Great Grandma Lillian who is turning 100 in 3 weeks!
Here is Ansley at 1 month old and Great Grandma at 1199 months old.

More Ansley & friends

Ansley is one popular lady

Amy, Mike & baby Tama (still in Amys belly)


Uncle Neville

Grandma Carmen & Grandpa Tom (not pictured)

Auntie Natalie
