Nov 29, 2009

Ansley and friends

Ansley had tons of visitors at the hospital. Here are a few shots

Auntie Kerry
Auntie Sandy
Auntie Nicole
Uncle Tim

Uncle Al Auntie Beth

Marion Sara Marianne & Scott sig1

Nov 27, 2009

How it all went down...

Since both of our families live out of town I though it would be fun to do a little photo montage of how Ansley's birthday went.
11/13- 6:30am
Water breaks as soon as I wake up. Time to call the Doctor. She tells us to head down to L&D. It's go time! At the Hospital. Getting checked in. Sweet gown! Dr says I'm 2cm dilated. Now we are just waiting for something to happen. If my contractions don't get started in next 12 hours they will start me on pitocin. The nurse checking in on us. Even though my water broke, contractions weren't really starting so we had a lot of waiting to do. Hamish worked. I relaxed Did a little Internet browsing (thank God for free WiFi) We hung out and went on lots of walks to try speeding things along (which didn't Hamish had a craving for a root beer float later in the night so went across the street in search of RB and ice cream. YUM! I got put on pitocin at about 8pm and within a few hours I was 5cm. Here I am giving the hi-5! Even though I don't look excited I was because I knew it was epidural time!

Got some drugs = got some sleep. Finally. The nurses said that when I was fully dilated you would be able to see it on my face. I think this pic says it all...10cm and time to push! After 1.5 hours of pushing...shes here!

11/14/09 - 9:50am

Sweet Ansley

Nov 26, 2009

Like mother like daughter

Ansley loves Target. Here she is on her first shopping trip. Doesn't she look excited? I'm sure shes jumping for joy on the inside. Very zen.

This is what happens...

When Dad gets a new camera. Ansley gets photos taken that are sure to embarrass her later in life. When we left the hospital they gave us this tote bag. Hamish made a joke to the nurse about carrying the baby around in it. She didn't find it very funny. Little did she know he wasn't kidding. We don't actually carry Ansley around in it so don't call CPS quite yet but H did find it funny to put her in it and snap some photos. The first morning we were home we realized that Ansley's head is to small for her hats so doing what new parents do...we had to improvise. One of H's athletic socks was the perfect fit until we could buy smaller hats. Warm baby = happy baby.

Shes here!

Ansley Marie 11/14/09 7lbs 5 oz 19.5 in
8 days before my due date. Guess she has a thing for being early to the party (just like her Mom).
Actually I think she was early because her klutz of a mother fell down the night before and she was trying to escape the womb. Apparently, she thought it just wasn't safe anymore. If you look at my arm from our hospital pic you can see my battle scar from biting the dust. Great memory. Haha.


Nov 12, 2009

Ready to POP!

Here I am at 38.5 weeks. We get to meet the little one any day now. We are so excited and cant wait to see what she looks like. Will she have Sarah's looks or Hamish's? I think no matter what shes going to be one cute baby. By the way...we got a new fancy camera and Hamish is turning into the paparazzi. Hes getting quite good at photo taking.

Sweet room for a sweet baby

We just put the finishing touches on little Ansleys room. I think it turned out adorable and just how I envisioned it.

One of my favorite things in the room is the mother goose picture. Its from when Hamish was a baby.
Ansley is going to have lots of reading material as you can tell. Pretty much all of those books are Hamish's baby books. Vintage Dr Seuss. Gotta love it.

See that little lamp on the table? That's from when Hamish was a baby too. Its Winnie the Poo. Super cute.